AREBTAREBT 2022 Annual ConferenceAssociation for Rational Emotive Behaviour TherapyCBTCoachingConferenceNature Based RE-CB Coaching & TherapyNewsPracticePsychologyRational Emotive Behaviour TherapyREBTResearchTheoryUncategorizedVirtual eventAREBT International Conference, 2022

AREBT International Conference, 2022

Welcome to the Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (AREBT) International Conference, 2022. This year the conference theme is:  Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice. Our 2-day virtual conference will be held on Monday 28th November to Tuesday 29th November. Conference keynotes papers will be held on Day 1. On Day-2 there will be …

AREBTCoaching at Work ConferenceCoaching psychologyConferenceCongressInternational Congress of Coaching PsychologyNewsPositive psychologyPsychologyUncategorizedVirtual eventEvents in 2020

Events in 2020

Events in 2020 being run using the NWS Virtual events Platform: 10th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2020 Coaching at Work Conference: Adaptive leadership for extraordinary times: how coaching can contribute AREBT International Conference, 2020

Coaching psychologyConferenceCongressInternational Congress of Coaching PsychologyNewsPositive psychologyPsychologyUncategorizedVirtual event10th International Congress of Coaching Psychology

10th International Congress of Coaching Psychology

10th International Congress of Coaching Psychology DATE: 7th, 8th and 9th October 2020, Virtual Conference. We are pleased to announce details of the 10th International Congress of Coaching Psychology.  The main conference theme this year will be “2020 Vision: Navigating adversity with coaching psychology and positive psychology”. This Three-Day virtual Conference offers Masterclasses, Keynote and Invited …